Friday, February 9, 2024

The Arm Lines and their Sinew Correpsondnces

Superficial Front Arm Line (SFAL)

Overview: The SFAL runs from the chest through the front of the arm, supporting pushing and gripping movements.

Anatomy Trains Components:

  • Pectoralis major
  • Biceps brachii
  • Palmaris longus
  • Flexor muscles of the forearm

TCM Sinew Channel Correspondences:

  • Arm Yang Ming (Large Intestine) Sinew Channel
    • Muscles/Structures: Biceps brachii, brachioradialis, flexor muscles of the forearm
    • Primitive Reflexes: Rooting Reflex (influences grip and pulling movements)
    • Movement Patterns: Pushing, grasping, and flexion of the arm
    • Overlap: This channel corresponds with the SFAL, particularly in movements that involve gripping or pushing actions.

Deep Front Arm Line (DFAL)

The DFAL connects the deep muscles of the chest to the deep arm and hand flexors, supporting fine motor control and stabilizing the shoulder.

Anatomy Trains Components:

  • Pectoralis minor
  • Coracobrachialis
  • Brachialis
  • Flexor muscles of the hand

TCM Sinew Channel Correspondences:

  • Arm Tai Yin (Lung) Sinew Channel
    • Muscles/Structures: Deep anterior muscles of the shoulder, diaphragm, forearm flexors
    • Primitive Reflexes: Palmar Grasp Reflex (related to the grasping movement of the hand)
    • Movement Patterns: Stabilizing and fine motor control of the hand and shoulder
    • Overlap: The DFAL corresponds with the Arm Tai Yin sinew channel, influencing deep stabilizing actions and respiratory coordination.
Superficial Back Arm Line (SBAL)

The SBAL runs along the back of the arm, supporting pulling and extending movements.

Anatomy Trains Components:

  • Trapezius
  • Deltoid
  • Triceps brachii
  • Extensor muscles of the forearm

TCM Sinew Channel Correspondences:

  • Arm Tai Yang (Small Intestine) Sinew Channel
    • Muscles/Structures: Triceps brachii, deltoid, extensors of the forearm
    • Primitive Reflexes: Spinal Galant Reflex (influences lateral flexion of the trunk)
    • Movement Patterns: Pulling, extending, and supporting the back of the arm
    • Overlap: The SBAL corresponds with the Arm Tai Yang sinew channel, which supports extension and pulling actions.

Deep Back Arm Line (DBAL)

Overview: The DBAL connects the deep muscles of the back to the deep arm and shoulder extensors, supporting rotational and stabilizing movements.

Anatomy Trains Components:

  • Rhomboids
  • Levator scapulae
  • Rotator cuff muscles
  • Triceps brachii

TCM Sinew Channel Correspondences:

  • Arm Shao Yang (Triple Burner) Sinew Channel
  • Muscles/Structures: Deep muscles of the shoulder, rotator cuff, and triceps
  • Primitive Reflexes: Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR) (influences rotational and extension movements)
  • Movement Patterns: Rotational movements, stabilizing the shoulder, and extending the arm
  • Overlap: The DBAL corresponds with the Arm Shao Yang sinew channel, influencing deep stabilizing actions and rotational movements in the arm.
Summary of Overlaps and Interactions
  • SFAL & Arm Yang Ming (Large Intestine): These lines focus on pushing and gripping actions.
  • DFAL & Arm Tai Yin (Lung): These lines support fine motor control and stabilization, deeply connected to breathing and arm function.
  • SBAL & Arm Tai Yang (Small Intestine): These lines facilitate pulling and extension movements.
  • DBAL & Arm Shao Yang (Triple Burner): These lines are crucial for rotational stability and deep arm extension.

Key Insights:

Each arm line intersects with its respective sinew channels, reflecting both superficial and deep connections, essential for coordinated arm movements and overall upper body stability. The primitive reflexes further illustrate how these fascial lines influence early developmental movement patterns, linking them to both the neurological and myofascial systems.

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