Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Gallbladder (Dan) Leg Shao Yang

 Function and Significance: The Gallbladder meridian aids in decision-making and controls the sinews, influencing the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body. It is involved in digestion, particularly in the regulation of bile secretion. The Gallbladder also plays a significant role in maintaining balance and spatial orientation, particularly through its connection to the vestibular system.

  • Nervous and Endocrine System Correlation: The Gallbladder meridian is linked to the vestibular system and autonomic nervous system, influencing balance, coordination, and stress responses.
  • Additional Insight: GSM’s detailed discussion of the Gallbladder meridian’s alignment with the vestibular system emphasizes its role in maintaining physical balance and spatial orientation, which is a critical aspect of its function in coordinating the body’s movements.
  • Front Mu Point: GB-24 (Riyue)
  • Location: In the 7th intercostal space, directly below the nipple, 4 cun lateral to the midline.
  • Tonification Point: GB-43 (Xiaxi)
  • Supplemental Acupuncture Points:
  • GB-20 (Fengchi): Located at the base of the skull, this point is critical for head and neck movement and is associated with the Vestibular Reflexes.
  • GB-34 (Yanglingquan): Located on the lateral aspect of the lower leg, influencing the body's lateral stability and tied to the Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR).
  • Associated Reflexes:
  • Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR): (flexion and extension)
  • Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR): (extension on one side, flexion on the other)
  • Vestibular Reflexes: (balance and spatial orientation)
  • Muscular/Fascial Structures: External obliques, latissimus dorsi.
  • Fascia Lines: Lateral Line (LL)
  • Plexus: Thoracic Nerves (Intercostal Nerves), Vestibular System


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