Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Refining the TCM Sinew Channel Mappings for Reflexes & Emotional States

We will systematically determine which sinew channels are connected to each primitive reflex and emotional state based on:

  1. Freeze-Related Reflexes & Emotions (Dorsal shutdown patterns).
  2. Fight/Flight Reflexes & Emotions (Sympathetic activation).
  3. Hinge States (Emotions that can shift between systems).
  4. Regulated States (Ventral vagal, high-frequency states).

You’ve already identified key correlations, and I’ll ensure each mapping accounts for primitive reflex patterns, autonomic state, and movement function.

Reflex & Sinew Channel Correlations (Preliminary Mapping)


Emotional Tie

Primary Sinew Channels

Why This Mapping?

Moro Reflex (Startle Reflex)

Fear, Dread, Insecurity

Lung, Stomach, Bladder

Lung (breath suppression), Stomach (core tension in dorsal freeze), Bladder (full-body startle pattern)

Fear Paralysis Reflex (FF Reflex)

Apathy, Shutdown, Freeze

Jue Yin (Liver/Pericardium), Ren/Du, Stomach

Jue Yin (deep internal rotators), Ren/Du (loss of central axis), Stomach (immobilization in anterior chain)

TLR (Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex)

Shame, Postural Collapse

Bladder (postural rigidity), Stomach (breath inhibition), Lung (upper body contraction)

Bladder (spinal extension/flexion control), Stomach/Lung (dorsal breath collapse)

STNR (Symmetric Tonic Neck Reflex)

Cognitive Rigidity, Frustration

Bladder (spinal segmentation), Arm Tai Yang (upper body bracing)

Bladder (spinal coordination), Arm Tai Yang (shoulder girdle compensation)

ATNR (Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex)

Judgment, Cognitive Rigidity, Contempt

Dai Mai (Belt Vessel), Gallbladder (lateral tension patterns)

Dai Mai (torsional instability), Gallbladder (contralateral rotation control)

Palmar Grasp Reflex

Resentment, Holding On

Pericardium, Heart, Large Intestine

Pericardium (protective bracing), Heart (emotional attachment), LI (letting go vs. gripping tension)

Spinal Galant Reflex

Anger, Disgust, Boundary Defense

Bladder, Gallbladder, Dai Mai

Bladder (spinal sensitivity), Gallbladder (side-body tension, defensiveness), Dai Mai (stabilizing lateral response)

Rooting Reflex

Longing, Jealousy, Emotional Hunger

Ren, Stomach, Spleen

Ren (attachment & nurturing), Stomach (seeking behavior), Spleen (internalized need for support)


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