Monday, April 29, 2024

Large Intestine (Da Chang) Arm Yang Ming

 Function and Significance: The Large Intestine meridian is responsible for the transformation and excretion of waste, supporting the Lung in controlling the skin and influencing the quality of the skin by facilitating toxin removal.

Nervous System Correlation: The meridian is linked to the ANS and the regulation of peristalsis.

Additional Insight:Large Intestine’s function extends beyond digestion, influencing the body’s ability to release not only physical waste but also emotional burdens.
  • Front Mu Point: ST-25 (Tianshu)
  • Location: 2 cun lateral to the center of the umbilicus on the abdomen.
  • Tonification Point: LI-11 (Quchi)
    • LI-11: Located at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease, this point is associated with the brachial plexus innervation, particularly involving the radial nerve that runs near this point. The point is significant for reflexive action in the forearm's extensor muscles.
  • Supplemental Acupuncture Points:
    • ST-36 (Zusanli): Aligns with the lower leg muscles and supports digestive and reflex functions, closely tied to the Solar Plexus.
    • PC-7 (Daling): Located in the carpal tunnel area, aligning with the muscles controlling grip and extension reflexes.
  • Associated Reflexes: Grasp Reflex (flexion), Crossed Extension Reflex (extension)
  • Muscular/Fascial Structures: Abdominal muscles, extensor muscles of the forearm.
  • Fascia Lines: Superficial Front Line (SFL)
  • Plexus: Brachial Plexus

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