Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Stomach (Wei) Leg Yang Ming

 Function and Significance: The Stomach meridian is crucial for digestion and the production of postnatal Qi. It governs the intake, breakdown, and absorption of food and drink, providing the energy necessary for the body’s activities. The Stomach plays a vital role in maintaining physical strength and supporting mental clarity.

  • Endocrine System Correlation: The Stomach's influence on digestion ties it to endocrine functions related to the regulation of blood sugar levels, possibly linking it to the pancreas.
  • Additional Insight: GSM highlights the Stomach meridian’s association with mental clarity, suggesting that digestive health is foundational to cognitive function.
  • Front Mu Point: CV-12 (Zhongwan)
  • Location: 4 cun above the umbilicus on the midline.
  • Tonification Point: ST-36 (Zusanli)
  • Supplemental Acupuncture Points:
  • REN-12 (Zhongwan): Also tied to the Solar Plexus, influencing the Moro Reflex and Startle Reflex.
  • SP-4 (Gongsun): Located on the arch of the foot, affecting foot stability and reflexive responses.
  • Associated Reflexes:
  • Stepping Reflex: (flexion and extension)
  • Moro Reflex: (extension)
  • Startle Reflex: (freeze)
  • Head Righting Reflex: (stabilizes head position with respect to gravity)
  • Muscular/Fascial Structures: Rectus abdominis, diaphragm, retinaculum.
  • Fascia Lines: Superficial Front Line (SFL)
  • Plexus: Solar Plexus (Celiac Plexus)

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