Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Stomach (Wei) Leg Yang Ming

 Function and Significance: The Stomach meridian is crucial for digestion and the production of postnatal Qi. It governs the intake, breakdown, and absorption of food and drink, providing the energy necessary for the body’s activities. The Stomach plays a vital role in maintaining physical strength and supporting mental clarity.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Large Intestine (Da Chang) Arm Yang Ming

 Function and Significance: The Large Intestine meridian is responsible for the transformation and excretion of waste, supporting the Lung in controlling the skin and influencing the quality of the skin by facilitating toxin removal.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Arm and Leg Yang Ming (Bright Yang) Sinew Channels

 Arm Yang Ming (Bright Yang) Channels

Primary Sinew Pathway:  Starts at the index finger, ascends to the wrist, binds at the elbow.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Pericardium (Xin Bao) Arm Jue Yin

Function and Significance: The Pericardium meridian serves as a protective sheath for the Heart, regulating blood circulation and emotional stability. It plays a key role in modulating the autonomic nervous system, particularly in its influence on the smooth muscle innervation of the heart and blood vessels, affecting circulation and emotional responses.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Small Intestine (Xiao Chang) Arm Tai Yang

Function and Significance: The Small Intestine meridian separates the clear from the impure in digestion, absorbing nutrients and fluids while eliminating waste. It is involved in mental clarity and decision-making.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Spleen (Pi) Leg Tai Yin

Function and Significance: The Spleen meridian governs the transformation and transportation of the essence derived from food and drink into Qi and Blood. It influences muscle tone, energy levels, and the body’s ability to manage fluids.

Leg Tai Yin and Deep Leg Line

 Leg Tai Yin: Spleen Sinew Channel

Friday, April 5, 2024

San Jiao (Triple Burner) Arm Shao Yang: Working with the Sympathetic Nervous System

 Function and Significance: The San Jiao meridian regulates the body's water metabolism and fluid distribution across the three burners (upper, middle, and lower). It plays a key role in maintaining homeostasis, including temperature regulation, fluid balance, and Qi distribution. The San Jiao also supports the immune and lymphatic systems.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Gallbladder (Dan) Leg Shao Yang

 Function and Significance: The Gallbladder meridian aids in decision-making and controls the sinews, influencing the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body. It is involved in digestion, particularly in the regulation of bile secretion. The Gallbladder also plays a significant role in maintaining balance and spatial orientation, particularly through its connection to the vestibular system.

Shao Yang (Lesser Yang) Sinew Channel Correspondences

Arm Shao Yang: San Jiao (Triple Burner) Sinew Channel

Leg Shao Yang: Gall Bladder Sinew Channel